22 research outputs found

    Model Analysis of Political Message Processing of Prabowo-Hatta and Jokowi-JK in the Indonesian Presidential Election 2014 in West Jakarta

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    This research analyzed the political message processing of the voters of Prabowo-Hatta and Jokowi-JK in the Presidential Election 2014 in West Jakarta. The aim was to determine the influence of systematic and heuristic political message processing in the decision of beginner voters. Also, it targeted the political message processing model in the Presidential Election 2014. Quantitative research was used by conducting a survey and heuristic-systematic model was picked as the theory. It was derived into three variables, namely heuristic process variable, systematic process variable, and decision to choose president variable,. The result showed that the decision to vote Prabowo-Hatta was influenced more by systematic than heuristic political messages. On the other hand, the decision to elect Jokowi-JK was influenced more by heuristic than systematic political messages. If Prabowo-Hatta wished to improve their voters, they could strengthen the heuristic political message (emotional message), while for Jokowi / JK, they could strengthen the systematic political message (rational message)

    Analisis ‘Urf Terhadap Tradisi Naung Ri Ere Sebagai Kepercayaan Tolak Bala Pasca Pernikahan: Studi Kasus di Manipi Kecamatan Sinjai Barat Kabupaten Sinjai

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    This study entitled "Urf's analysis of the factors causing the Naung Ri Ere tradition which is considered a belief in rejecting post-wedding (case study in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency)" suggests several problem formulations, namely: 1). How is the process of implementing the Naung Ri Ere tradition in the community in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency? 2). How is 'Urf's analysis of the factors causing the Naung Ri Ere tradition which is considered a belief in rejecting post-wedding reinforcements in the community in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency? The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Naung Ri Ere tradition is carried out in a place or river by placing offerings, reading prayers, sinking something into the water, bathing the newlyweds, and reading congratulations when returning home. The factors that influence why Naung Ri Ere is considered a belief in rejecting reinforcements a. Believing that those who do not follow the Naung Ri Ere tradition will experience misfortune and distress. b. Naung Ri Ere has always been carried out by the ancestors when the custom first entered Manipi. So it was believed from a long time ago that Naung ri Ere brings happiness to newlywed couples.This study entitled "Urf's analysis of the factors causing the Naung Ri Ere tradition which is considered a belief in rejecting post-wedding (case study in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency)" suggests several problem formulations, namely: 1). How is the process of implementing the Naung Ri Ere tradition in the community in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency? 2). How is 'Urf's analysis of the factors causing the Naung Ri Ere tradition which is considered a belief in rejecting post-wedding reinforcements in the community in Manipi, West Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency? The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Naung Ri Ere tradition is carried out in a place or river by placing offerings, reading prayers, sinking something into the water, bathing the newlyweds, and reading congratulations when returning home. The factors that influence why Naung Ri Ere is considered a belief in rejecting reinforcements a. Believing that those who do not follow the Naung Ri Ere tradition will experience misfortune and distress. b. Naung Ri Ere has always been carried out by the ancestors when the custom first entered Manipi. So it was believed from a long time ago that Naung ri Ere brings happiness to newlywed couples


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    This study aims to analyze and explore the philosophical aspects of the concept of Tasyri' in the context of Kabul representation in marriage, especially in Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. Tasyri' is an approach to Islamic law that covers various aspects of life, including marriage law. Kabul representation, as the guiding principle of marital property, has its roots in the philosophical views underlying Islamic law. This research uses a qualitative approach with textual analysis methods to explore a deep understanding of Tasyri's philosophical views regarding Kabul representation. The data was collected through in-depth interviews with religious leaders, Islamic jurists, and communities in Pallangga sub-district. In addition, primary sources such as Islamic law books and related literature are also used as references to support the analysis. The results showed that Kabul's representation in marriage had a deep philosophical basis in Tashri's view. This principle reflects aspects of equality, justice, and responsibility in the marital relationship. This philosophical view provides the foundation for the application of marriage law that accommodates individual and family interests in a balanced manner. In the context of Pallangga sub-district, Kabul representation still has relevance and is applied in marriage practice. However, there are also social and cultural dynamics that influence the interpretation and implementation of this principle. The study concludes that understanding Tasyri's philosophical views on Kabul representation can provide deeper insight into the cultural roots and values that shape the practice of marriage law in the societyThis study aims to analyze and explore the philosophical aspects of the concept of Tasyri' in the context of Kabul representation in marriage, especially in Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. Tasyri' is an approach to Islamic law that covers various aspects of life, including marriage law. Kabul representation, as the guiding principle of marital property, has its roots in the philosophical views underlying Islamic law. This research uses a qualitative approach with textual analysis methods to explore a deep understanding of Tasyri's philosophical views regarding Kabul representation. The data was collected through in-depth interviews with religious leaders, Islamic jurists, and communities in Pallangga sub-district. In addition, primary sources such as Islamic law books and related literature are also used as references to support the analysis. The results showed that Kabul's representation in marriage had a deep philosophical basis in Tashri's view. This principle reflects aspects of equality, justice, and responsibility in the marital relationship. This philosophical view provides the foundation for the application of marriage law that accommodates individual and family interests in a balanced manner. In the context of Pallangga sub-district, Kabul representation still has relevance and is applied in marriage practice. However, there are also social and cultural dynamics that influence the interpretation and implementation of this principle. The study concludes that understanding Tasyri's philosophical views on Kabul representation can provide deeper insight into the cultural roots and values that shape the practice of marriage law in the societ

    Association between Outdoor Air Pollution and Childhood Leukemia: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis.

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    BackgroundA causal link between outdoor air pollution and childhood leukemia has been proposed, but some older studies suffer from methodological drawbacks. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic reviews have summarized the most recently published evidence and no analyses have examined the dose-response relation.ObjectiveWe investigated the extent to which outdoor air pollution, especially as resulting from traffic-related contaminants, affects the risk of childhood leukemia.MethodsWe searched all case-control and cohort studies that have investigated the risk of childhood leukemia in relation to exposure either to motorized traffic and related contaminants, based on various traffic-related metrics (number of vehicles in the closest roads, road density, and distance from major roads), or to measured or modeled levels of air contaminants such as benzene, nitrogen dioxide, 1,3-butadiene, and particulate matter. We carried out a meta-analysis of all eligible studies, including nine studies published since the last systematic review and, when possible, we fit a dose-response curve using a restricted cubic spline regression model.ResultsWe found 29 studies eligible to be included in our review. In the dose-response analysis, we found little association between disease risk and traffic indicators near the child's residence for most of the exposure range, with an indication of a possible excess risk only at the highest levels. In contrast, benzene exposure was positively and approximately linearly associated with risk of childhood leukemia, particularly for acute myeloid leukemia, among children under 6 y of age, and when exposure assessment at the time of diagnosis was used. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide showed little association with leukemia risk except at the highest levels.DiscussionOverall, the epidemiologic literature appears to support an association between benzene and childhood leukemia risk, with no indication of any threshold effect. A role for other measured and unmeasured pollutants from motorized traffic is also possible. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4381

    Sanksi Administrasi terhadap Perkawinan Kedua Pegawai Negeri Sipil Yang Belum Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap dari Perceraian Pertama pada Pengadilan Agama Sinjai: Analisis Terhadap KUHPer dan KHI

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    Tulisan  Pokok masalah penelitian ini ialah bagaimana “Sanksi Administrasi Terhadap Perkawinan Kedua Pegawai Negeri Sipil Yang Belum Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap Dari Perceraian Pertama”  studi kasus pengadilan agama sinjai (analisis terhadap undang-undang perdata dan khi) pokok masalah tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi submasalah atau pertanyaan peneliti yaitu: 1.Bagaimana Pandangan Hukum positif dan Hukum islam terkait PNS yang melakukan Poligami? 2.Bagaimana sanksi administrasi terhadap perkawinan kedua PNS yang belum berkekuatan hukum tetap dari perceraian pertama di pengadilan agama sinjai? Penulis menggunakan penelitian Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitiannlapangan filed research deskriptif kualitatif yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti secara langsung dilapangan dengan melalui wawancara terhadap pihak-pihak yang mengetahui dan memahami atau terlibat secara langsung terhadap penelitian mengenai sanksi adminis trasi terhadap perkawinan kedua pns yang belum berkekuatan hukum tetap dari perceraian pertama.Hasil penulisan ini menunjukan tentang adanya perbedaan pandangan antara hukum islam dan hukum positif, disini hukum islam menjelaskan bahwa tidak apa=apa melakukan poligami entah itu PNS ataupun bukan asalkan ia sanggup untuk berprilaku adil, berbeda dengan hukum positif disini tidak diperbolehkan bagi PNS untuk melakukan poligami jika tidak memiliki alasan yang jelas, dan jika tetap melakukannya makan akan diberikan sanksi administrasi yaitu penurunan jabatan bahkan sampai pemecatan.Dalam hal ini seharusnya pemerinntah membuat aturan yang sangat jelas karena aturan yang ditetapkan pemerintah dan Hukum islam sangat bertolak belakang, disini pemerintah melarang untuk melakukan poligami, tapi dalam islam boleh saja untuk melakukan Poligami asalkan dia dapat berperilaku adil kepada istri-istrinya. Tentunya disini ada perbedaan yang sangat signifikan dan terkadang ada oknum yang melakukan pernikahan tapi hanya melakukan pernikahan secara hukum islam dan tidak mendaftaarkan pernikahannya di pemerintahan agar ia bisah lolos dari sanksi yang berlaku.Tulisan  Pokok masalah penelitian ini ialah bagaimana “Sanksi Administrasi Terhadap Perkawinan Kedua Pegawai Negeri Sipil Yang Belum Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap Dari Perceraian Pertama”  studi kasus pengadilan agama sinjai (analisis terhadap undang-undang perdata dan khi) pokok masalah tersebut kemudian dibagi menjadi submasalah atau pertanyaan peneliti yaitu: 1.Bagaimana Pandangan Hukum positif dan Hukum islam terkait PNS yang melakukan Poligami? 2.Bagaimana sanksi administrasi terhadap perkawinan kedua PNS yang belum berkekuatan hukum tetap dari perceraian pertama di pengadilan agama sinjai? Penulis menggunakan penelitian Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitiannlapangan filed research deskriptif kualitatif yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti secara langsung dilapangan dengan melalui wawancara terhadap pihak-pihak yang mengetahui dan memahami atau terlibat secara langsung terhadap penelitian mengenai sanksi adminis trasi terhadap perkawinan kedua pns yang belum berkekuatan hukum tetap dari perceraian pertama.Hasil penulisan ini menunjukan tentang adanya perbedaan pandangan antara hukum islam dan hukum positif, disini hukum islam menjelaskan bahwa tidak apa=apa melakukan poligami entah itu PNS ataupun bukan asalkan ia sanggup untuk berprilaku adil, berbeda dengan hukum positif disini tidak diperbolehkan bagi PNS untuk melakukan poligami jika tidak memiliki alasan yang jelas, dan jika tetap melakukannya makan akan diberikan sanksi administrasi yaitu penurunan jabatan bahkan sampai pemecatan.Dalam hal ini seharusnya pemerinntah membuat aturan yang sangat jelas karena aturan yang ditetapkan pemerintah dan Hukum islam sangat bertolak belakang, disini pemerintah melarang untuk melakukan poligami, tapi dalam islam boleh saja untuk melakukan Poligami asalkan dia dapat berperilaku adil kepada istri-istrinya. Tentunya disini ada perbedaan yang sangat signifikan dan terkadang ada oknum yang melakukan pernikahan tapi hanya melakukan pernikahan secara hukum islam dan tidak mendaftaarkan pernikahannya di pemerintahan agar ia bisah lolos dari sanksi yang berlaku

    Persepsi Masyarakat tentang Penggantian Nama Anak Untuk Kesehatan: Studi Komparatif Ulama Mazhab dan Hukum Adat

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    This article aims to describe and analyze the renaming of children for health, from the perspective of Islamic law and customary law which is then linked to what happened in Ex. Bontoparang, Kec. Parangloe, Kab. Gowa, South Sulawesi. In answering the above problems, the author uses Field Research, namely research that raises data and problems in the field (location of research). The sources of data obtained include primary data and secondary data. This study uses a type of qualitative research using an empirical juridical approach, namely to find out how a law is implemented and how the process is enforced. The results of this study indicate that in Ex. Bontoparang, Kec. Parangloe, Kab. Gowa, South Sulawesi, there is a public belief that if a child is often sick, his name will be changed. Scholars disagree about the name that is most loved by Allah swt., some argue: the name of the prophets while the majority of scholars agree that the name most loved by Allah swt is the name that is leaned on (iḍāfaāt) to Asmā al-ḥusnā. Myth or belief in something that is beyond reason is something that has long existed in Indonesian society, especially in South Sulawesi. In interviews conducted by researchers, almost the majority of respondents stated and understood that they did not really think about whether changing their name due to health was a myth or not. Because they think that as long as it is good then it is legal to do and practice it. With good intentions and goals, they take the initiative to change their name or their child to make it better than before. Those who were sick before are healthy

    Proses Bimbingan Manasik Haji dalam Kajian Fiqh: Studi Kasus Kantor Urusan Agama Kec. Pallangga Kab. Gowa

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    Proses pelaksanaan haji KUA Kec. Pallangga terdapat beberapa indikator yaitu pemberian motivasi, pembimbingan, penjalinan hubungan, peyelenggaraan komunikasi, dan pengembangan atau peningkatan pelaksana; 2) Tanggapan masyarakat Kec. Pallangga tentang manasik haji adalah masyarakat memandang bahwa kelompok bimbingan ibadah haji sangat berperan dan berfungsi dalam pembinaan bagi calon jemaah yang akan menunaikan ibadah haji; 3) Kajian fiqh tentang pelaksanaan haji di KUA Kec. Pallangga adalah ibadah yang wajib di lakukan bagi yang benar benar mampu, baik secara fisik, harta maupun mental. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1. Melengkapi sarana prasarana dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan manasik haji agar terlaksananya bimbingan haji secara profesional; 2. Perlu adanya evaluasi pada pelaksanaan bimbingan manasik haji yang di laksanakan oleh KUA Kecamatan Pallangga agar dapat memperbaiki dan melengkapi kekurangan yang ada sehingga KUA Kecamatan Pallanga mampu memberikan pelayanan dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan manasik haji sesuai dengan yang di butuhkan oleh Jemaah haji. 3. Hendaknya KUA Kecamatan Pallangga lebih meningkatkan pelayanan agar calon Jemaah haji lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti bimbingan manasik haji

    Kedurhakaan Anak Terhadap Orang Tua Sebagai Penghalang Warisan: Analisis Perbandingan Mazhab

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang banyaknya pergeseran nilai dalam berkeluarga salah satunya perlakuan anak terhadap orang tua, yang jauh dari kata berbakti. Seringnya ditemui orang tua yang tidak berdaya, terlantar, sakit-sakitan akibat dari Perilaku yang dilakukan oleh anak kandungnya sendiri. Padahal dalam Hukum Islam maupun dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku melarang keras perbuatan tersebut. Karena pada dasarnya anak dan orang tua memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang saling berkaitan, bahkan ketika orang tua meninggal dunia hak yang otomatis terpindah kepada seseorang anak adalah hak kewarisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang kedurhakaan seorang anak terhadap orang tua yang mengakibatkan pelukaan ataupun hilangnya nyawa dengan menganalogikannya kepada penghalang penghalang kewarisan yang ada dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada jurnal atau library research. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian hukum empiris dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: pada dasarnya yang dapat menghalangi kewarisan ialah yang terdapat dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 173 Huruf a dan b. Terkait kedurhakaan seperti tidak mengobati orang tua yang sakit, menyakiti dengan perbuatan dan perkataan dan menelantarkan, yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian dan pelukaan para hakim terbagi pada dua pendapat, empat orang hakim menyatakan bahwa kedurhakaan diatas tidak termasuk sebagai penghalang kewarisan karena dalam KHI dan Hukum Islam juga tidak ada teks yang jelas menyatakan demikian alasan selanjutnya ialah apabila orang tua tersebut meninggal dunia itu dikarenakan penyakitnya bukan karena tidak mengobatinya

    Admission Serum Uric Acid Levels and In-Hospital Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Background: Uric acid is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hospital admission for ischemic heart disease (IHD) is increasing rapidly in our country. Although studies were conducted abroad regarding association of serum uric acid with in-hospital outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), no data is yet available to show the association in our country. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the association of serum uric acid level on admission with in-hospital outcomes of the patients with ACS. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional comparative study was done in the Department of Cardiology, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) from January to December 2012. After proper ethical consideration total 93 ACS patients were enrolled in the study by nonrandom sampling. Serum uric acid of all subjects was measured within 24 hours of admission. Then in-hospital outcomes were observed in all subjects. Results: The frequency of hyperuricemia among ACS patients was 24.7% (22.54% in male and 31.82% in female). Hyperuricemic patients significantly developed heart failure (30.4% vs 11.4%, p=0.032) and conduction defect (13.0% vs 1.4%, p=0.017) than normouricemic subjects. The mean ejection fraction was significantly lower in hyperuricemic patients than patients with normal uric acid level (50.87 ± 10.27% vs 55.94 ± 6.66%). The mean ± SD duration of hospital stay of hyperuricemic group was significantly longer in patients with ACS (8.26 ± 1.18 vs 7.51±1.18 days, p=0.010). Conclusion: The measurement of serum uric acid level, an easily available and inexpensive biochemical tool, might turn out as a valuable risk marker for prediction of in-hospital outcomes in patients with ACS